I cannot put into words how much Thomas meant to me. He was more then just a friend but more like and older brother who I could always go. When I joined SSPJ I was scared that I wouldn’t fit in with any catholic school kids as I only attended public school previously. While the entire class was friendly and welcoming, Thomas made me feel as if this is where I belong and where I have been all along. We grew close immediately and he was the first person to invite me over his house and first sleepover. Even when I left SSPJ our bond was never broken and never seemed to strain. In fact we grew even closer and as time went on whenever I visited his house it became less visiting a friend but more going to my second home. When Tom told me the tragic news of when he was first diagnosed with cancer I was terrified but his calmness made me gain strength. He made it seem like it was just an annoying persistent cold that would go away eventually. His courage was inspiring and because of his bravery I always thought about him during competition or any tough times I would go through. Tragically as courageous as he was, my friend and hero would eventually lose his battle to cancer. Upon hearing this news I was numb and heartbroken that I found out that my best friend wasn’t with us anymore. It made me terrified that I couldn’t talk to or see him again. Tom was always there to give me advice, make me laugh, get me water, listen to my stories, listen to me vent I could go on forever but he literally was always there for me. While he may not be with us in this world, I know if there is one person that would get the ticket to heaven it would be him. To say that he was the nicest, realist, caring and more generous person someone will ever meet is an understatement and I bet anyone that has had even one interaction with Tom would be able to attest to that. While he is in a better place the world lost one of its most precious irreplaceable angels. Therefore, I have decided that I can’t let his passing be in vein so now I live everyday with the goal of continuing is legacy of love, caring and humor. I know that his is with me and all of us, protecting and guiding us so that we may pick up where we left of in changing this world in the name of God, love and companionship. I love and miss you Tom and I hope to be seeing you again one day.
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