We Ache With Hope

I don’t know how you sum up the experience of knowing Thomas Miloscia. I don’t know how you convey with words how much a person means to you. I met […]

My Role Model

Upon entering high school I only knew two other people from my old town. Making friends the first week was challenging, but it wasn’t until I met Tom that my […]

Shared Memories

Reaching up to Heaven

Thomas will not only live in our hearts, but through the trees that breathe life into our world. They reach up toward Heaven, while their roots are firmly grounded in […]

Perpetual Smile

I met Tom during the fall of his freshman year and right then I knew he was a special young man.  He always wore a smile and always had pleasant […]

Shared Memories


Tom only came into my life for no more than a year, and I don’t know where and how we became friends, but I thank God that we did. I […]

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